Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Christmas Lights

I dreamed about lights, it was either Christmas lights or many, many LED lights. I am not sure what this means. There was nothing else just so many colored lights. I realy wonder why I am dreaming about lights.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

All alone

So I am dreaming that I am alone, family left me. I was fired from my job. And friends would not return my calls. Ultimately I end up homeless on the street begging for change. It is dreams like this that drive me to drink more.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

I was drownding.

I took a nap this afternoon, I had a dream that I was drowning. I could not get up to the surface of the body of water I was in. Not even sure where it was that part of the dream I don't remember. The funny thing is I could almost swear that when I woke I was coughing up water.

This was weird.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Never ending work!

I had this dream where I was working on an assembly line and it seemed to go on forever. I then realized that all of us workers were all chained to our posts. We were all sentenced to life at work and we had to work for HALTURTON INDUSTRIES. This was a proclamation passed by the lifetime appointed dictator GW. He had done away with Congress and the Senate. With no one to challenge him the rest of the country was following the turd brain who chokes on a pretzel like lemmings of a cliff.

I woke up crying, I was so glad it was a dream. It was quite frighting. Thank God we only have to endure him for a couple of more weeks.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Road trip

I have had this dream for several nights now.

Back in 1995 my cousin and I traveled across the USA in his truck. We stayed in several hotels in the different states. Seeing sights along the way as we traveled to Lake Tahoe, Nevada. It was a great trip to take. So I have been having this dream that we take to the road again just to have some fun even with gas as high as it is we decided "what the hell".

A funny side note at one point back in 1995 when we stayed at this hotel in Utah. At around 3:30am I awoke to use the bathroom when I returned my cousin woke and said something very profound to me, it was very wise, it was the secret to all the answers in the universe. I nodded my head and said "Yes that makes a lot of scents".

As I laid my head down, I thought WTF? What the hell did you just say. It was gone and to this day we dont remember what he said.

I thought if we ever made the trip again maybe we could recover that information.

Monday, April 07, 2008

At the beach

I am standing on the beach and see a very violent storm approaching although I never actually see it hit shore. The storm causes me great distress because I feel great dread approaching, the feeling is so unnerving that when I wake up I am still shaking.